I have always been fascinated with family crests. They are symbols that represent a family name and what they stand for. I asked a friend of mine to create/develop a crest for Forza Powerlifting Club. The more I thought about it, the crest would not only represent my club, but my family as well. Over the years I have tried to research as to whether or not the 'Infurna' name had a crest, or something along those lines. I have yet to find something. A quick internet search of the name 'Infurna' will bring about some people with the last name scattered across the United States and Italy. Besides my uncle, there are not that many people with the last name Infurna. There is a family in the Niagara Falls area that has the same last name. There are also some people in Florida and the Midwest. Not that many at all.
The first thought of creating a family crest came in elementary school. I do not recall the grade exactly, but my teacher assigned us a project to detail our family history, and to include a crest if one was available. Luckily for me, my maternal grandfather was able to give names as far back as the 1800's. You may be thinking maternal grandfather...My parents were born in a small farming village on the south coast of Sicily. Everyone knew everyone, and he lived their about forty years or so before moving to America. He was a very intelligent and respected man. This is not an 'official' family name crest as of yet. It will represent Forza Powerlifting Club.
Opening my own garage gym is something I have wanted to do for a long time. I have been a member of every "globo" gym in Western New York over the past ten years. Although my training went fairly well, it always seemed like something was missing. One gym I was a member of does not allow chalk. Another gym frowns upon grunting and being loud. The cost at one gym that my wife and I paid for a yearly family membership was more than the new equipment I just purchased for our garage. I will be using this blog to chart my path towards a WNPF powerlifting meet on August 2, 2014. I competed in two WNPF meets in 2013, ten weeks apart. I will discuss those meets in a future blog post. I have outlined a 20 week plan to help me reach my goal of a 550lb. squat, 320lb. bench press, and 500lb. deadlift. Those are modest numbers to say the least, but they are meaningful to me. My hope is to compete in the 242lb. weight class. My current raw PR numbers are 525/315/435. I accomplished those lifts in the 275lb. weight class. I competed in the 242lb. weight class on two prior occasions. The first occasion was in the first meet I competed in, the American Open Cup in December, 2004. The second competition took place in November, 2011, in a bench only meet. We will see where this new journey takes me. Be sure to like Forza Powerlifting Club on Facebook. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy my path as much as I do. |
Charles InfurnaDr. Infurna is an active powerlifter and thrower. He has recently shifted his focus to training for Triathlon races. His next race is the Rochester Sprint Triathlon at the end of August, 2019. Categories