Since my last meet back in August, I have not done much lifting. Maybe three or four training sessions. A lot has happened since my last meet. The most time consuming piece is that I'm enrolled in school again. I'm working on my Doctoral Degree in Executive Leadership. It is an accelerated program that takes 29 months. At this time in 2016 I should be defending my dissertation.
My classes for the program meet every other Friday night and Saturday. My last day of classes for this semester is Saturday, December 6th. I don't have class again until January 16th. So why not train eight weeks for a meet after not doing much for four months!?! USAPL is a powerlifting federation I competed in quite frequently in my early and mid 20's. I had some success, still holding three records in the Junior category at 242 and 275. I have entered the USAPL Iron Beast Winter Classic II. The meet is being held on January 25, 2015. I have eight solid weeks of training for the meet. USAPL Raw Nationals 2015 will be held in Philadelphia, PA. My plan for this meet is to hit the 264.5lb. class qualifying total. Once I hit the qualifying total in January, I will put my focus to Raw Nationals, to be held in October, 2015. The link to the meet can be found here:
Charles InfurnaDr. Infurna is an active powerlifter and thrower. He has recently shifted his focus to training for Triathlon races. His next race is the Rochester Sprint Triathlon at the end of August, 2019. Categories