Ever since I started training with Rob Saeva, owner of No Coast Strength and Conditioning, a few months ago, the initial goal was to lose weight and get into better shape. Extremely vague goals, with no real thought put into them. With my doctoral program at St. John Fisher College easing up a little bit (expected dissertation defense of Fall, 2016), I thought that I should train more seriously. Along the lines of training for another powerlifting meet. I still have to take a class in the Fall, 2016 semester. Skipping class this late in the game for a powerlifting meet is out of the question. However, a great meet that is being contested on an open weekend is the USAPL New York State Powerlifting Championships on October 1, 2016. The last meet I competed in was a USAPL meet held just outside of Albany. As of today, we are 13 weeks out. Below you will find what I have been doing to get ready for my competition. Week 1: Day 1: Squat 55% + 25% band tension 2" Deficit DL: 70% 5x3 Farmer's Walk: 6 x 50' with 55lb. db Day 2: Daily Max Bench: Up to 295lbs. 80% 5x3 Front Squat: Kinetic Bench: Tricep Banded Pushdowns: Day 3: Daily Max Squat: Up to 505lbs. Day 4: Bench: 55% bar weight + 60% band tension 60% Week 2: Day 1: Box Squat: 8x3 @ 55% Day 2: Daily Max Bench: Up to 315lbs. (biggest bench in 3 years) Day 3: Daily Max Squat: Up to 505lbs. Week 3: Day 1: Daily Max Bench: Up to 325lbs. (biggest bench in 3 years along with unracking the weight alone. Even Rob told me this was crazy!) Day 2: Daily Max Squat: Up to 515lbs. (biggest squat in 3 years) 8x2 @ 85% 435lbs. I post videos daily on my Instagram feed @forzathletics. As always, thanks for reading~Charles
Charles InfurnaDr. Infurna is an active powerlifter and thrower. He has recently shifted his focus to training for Triathlon races. His next race is the Rochester Sprint Triathlon at the end of August, 2019. Categories