Tonight was a very good training session. I have not been able to get into the gym as much this week due to a very busy work schedule. One of my motivational pieces for my meet in August is the picture above. I took first place in a WNPF meet this past September. I had not competed in a meet in the previous three years. I lifted in the 275lb. class. I plan on making the 242lb. class this August.
Squat: 2x10 bar, 1x10 95lbs., 1x10 135lbs., 1x5 185/225/275/275/275, 1x10 305lbs.-Still building up my volume Barbell Shoulder Shrugs: 4x10 135/135/185/185 Band Good Morning: 1x10 Orange/2x10 Green Front Plate Raises: 3x15 25lbs. I learned tonight that I definitely need to buy clips and 45lb. plates. Having 305lbs. of bumpers on the bar almost takes up the whole collar.
Tonight I got a great training session in. I have not been able to get into the gym until after 8pm, when the man goes down for bed. On the bright side, I was able to take an old record player from my grandparents house. It still works just fine. I just need to stock up on some LP's and 8-tracks and we will be good to go.
Floor Bench: 2x10 bar, 1x10 95lbs., 3x10 135lbs.-Much better than last week Green Band Assisted Pull-Ups: 6/6/4-Again better than last week Bodyweight Push-Ups: 10/10/10/10 EZ Bar Bicep Curls: 1x10 bar+20lbs., 3x10 bar+50lbs. Red Band Tricep Pushdowns: 3x15 EZ Bar Preacher Curls: 8/8/6 bar+30lbs. All in all it was a good session.
Charles InfurnaDr. Infurna is an active powerlifter and thrower. He has recently shifted his focus to training for Triathlon races. His next race is the Rochester Sprint Triathlon at the end of August, 2019. Categories