In approximately 6 weeks I will be stepping on this platform for the World Natural Powerlifting Federation (WNPF). It will be my 3rd powerlifting meet in 11 months. I don't often get the opportunity to squat out of a monolift, but I will start spending time training at Victory Baptist Church in Rochester, NY. This is the venue for the meet on August 2nd, and they have a powerlifting team. I'm going to start training there this upcoming week.
Tonight's session was what I consider a maintenance day. I very rarely train bi's/tri's in isolation. Tonight I worked those beach muscles, along with some barbell shrugs and sled pulls. Barbell Shrugs: 45/15/15, 135/10, 185/10, 235/10/10/10 Red Band Tricep Pushdowns: 20/20/20/20/20 EZ Bar Curls: bar plus 50lbs.10,, bar plus 80lbs.10/10, bar plus 100lbs. 5/5/5 Red Band 1 Arm Overhead Tricep Extensions: 10/10/10 each arm Green Band Upright Rows: 15/15/15 Sled Pulls: 200lbs./5 laps around the backyard in 13 minutes and 20 seconds-totally gassed out on these I am going to start incorporating some sled pulls in my regular training sessions. I will add them to the end of my training session. I don't feel comfortable having them come at the beginning of the session. Especially on a a leg day. I read almost daily on the various social media sights that people warm-up for their training sessions with bodyweight sled pulls, or some variation. I don't think I could warm-up with 273lbs. right now for five or ten minutes. It is certainly an acquired taste, but I would rather taste it at the end of the workout rather than before things get really started. Charles
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Charles InfurnaDr. Infurna is an active powerlifter and thrower. He has recently shifted his focus to training for Triathlon races. His next race is the Rochester Sprint Triathlon at the end of August, 2019. Categories